Jon Houghton has been working in the financial services industry for 32 years.

Jon HaughtonHaving moved to Devon in 1998 Jon has been advising clients in respect of their financial affairs and has established himself as being a conscientious and trusted adviser.

Although mainly focusing on a client’s investment, pension, tax and trust planning needs Jon is able to provide guidance on all aspects of a client’s finances. Where necessary Jon will refer a client on to one of his solicitor contacts where advice is required in respect of establishing a Will, Lasting Power of Attorney or setting up specialist Trust arrangements.

As a new client Jon will meet with you to initially discuss with your objectives and the guidance you seek.

This meeting is done without any obligation and is designed to establish if Jon can help and if you both feel that a long lasting trusting relationship can be built.

Jon has, over the last 20 years or so been working closely with solicitor firms both dealing with clients referred to him by them and dealing with them as Trustees.